Friday, November 22, 2019

Jpo Vedic Chart Reading

Jpo is Jyeshtha moon, going through a sadesati in its last phase. He is going through Ketu Mahadasha and Saturn antardasha which could bring up a lot of karmic backlog, in the form of subordinates, friends of lesser financial positions. You need to connect with you parents, and take good care of their health.

12th House

This probably the most important phase of your life (at least till your next sardesati,) when the planet Saturn and Ketu are sitting in the same house which is the 12th house. 12th house is the house conclusions, ends, it is also the house of loneliness. Your natal Saturn aspects this house.

But the good news is that Jupiter has moved in and this is the best roommate they could have. If things have come to an end, Jupiter could give you the strength to heal. It is in fact Jupiter that has shown you the way to astrology when he left your natal sign of Scorpio.  This trend will continue till 2022 in some way or other.

Perhaps some other person could care less about their social lives bit since your moon sits in the 11th house you yearn to have a good social life. But you should know that Ketu sitting here with the moon signals that as hard as it sounds having a large social circle is what you achieved in your past life and it will be advisable for you not to pursue this as much.

1st House - Ascendant in Capricorn
After January 24th Saturn moves into your first house, officially ending your sadesati. This will ease up Saturn's hold on you and he will also bestow you with the blessings that you earned during the sardesati. It will be the best time to reinvent your personality. In your Ascendant your nakshatra is the very auspicious Dhanistha. Dhanistha is the best balance between social and practical. Your ascendant is the promise you made you would study in this life. So it would be wise to shape your personality along the lines of Dhanishtha.

10th House Venus

Venus is the planet that determines love life and marriage in a man's house. Venus here sits in its own sign of Libra. It will be advisable to you to know your future spouse for a good amount of time, as your attitude towards love is that your frequently change your mind. You must at least wait till you are 28. You will have a wife that is beautiful but extremely career oriented, either career oriented or a person who focuses on her needs first. If you have faced a challenge in your social life, she will bring a good balance to it with her charm and diplomacy. (It is possible your father is also a very social person with the necessary charm and skills.)

It is the house of work.

6th House - Natal Saturn
The natal Saturn which is placed in the sixth house and in the nakshatra of Mrigashira. Saturn is an important planet to him as he is going through a sadesati and must address issues to his natal and transiting Saturn. The natal Saturn wants him to focus on his health, if he is extremely regimental about it, he needs to relax a little bit. If he has lived a very stable life, Saturn wants him to travel a bit.

9th House - Transiting Saturn visits Sun, Mercury, and Mars
His natal Sun, Mercury and Mars. It brings up issues related to matters of communication and power. Two aggressive planets like Sun and Mars could make your speech sound more harsh and angry than you intend to. Moreover these planets sit in the sign of Virgo a planet that comes across as cold and indifferent. When Saturn visited this house it wanted you to focus on these matters. Does your speech appear cold? When you talk to people around you, do you sound superior?

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Importance of Spruce Tree

Name: Spruce
Botanical Name:
Hindi Name: Prasaral         Devanagari प्रसरल वृक्ष