Sunday, April 26, 2020

About Air Signs Gemini Libra Aquarius

Rolling Stones Gather Ideas

There are three air signs in astrology namely Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.
Before we move to the qualities of these signs, let's understand the element that governs them.
By their very nature, air signs cannot be defined just like air cannot be contained.
Air signs embody the quality of air and by nature can swiftly move from one place to other
or simply, one idea to another and in a way and speed that it seems illogical to others.
But there is definitely logic and a pattern if you could see the under-workings of their minds.
And of course just like air varies in quality, one moment they could be a gentle breeze while at other times they can be a hot, humid cloud.
As such, when you see a Gemini, the air like quality is more apparently like a playful breeze, they are more childlike in their behaviour even when they are older.
Where as Aquarius would seem ancient stillness in their quality, like an old palace that has remain closed for a long time,
because Aquarians are old souls there energy is settled but they are still air signs,
that is how they can "conjure" completely original and complex ideas seemingly out of thin air.
That is why the entire domain of philosophy and developing a political consciousness falls in the air signs.
Even scientific studies such as quantum physics or deep universe astronomy are the domain of the air signs.
Air element is also an element that connects us with the fifth element which is ether,
most symbolic in spaceships that are propelled from earth's atmosphere into the infinity around us.
Good qualities of this element is that they will pursue impossible ideas and change the world for better.
They are also less likely to pursue petty politics just for the sake of it. If they have a difference with you it is more likely ideological than personal.
So if ever an air element person comes to you with a crazy idea give them your ears.
Some of their negative qualities are, being fickle, starting many projects at once and not finishing them,
or starting a project all gung-ho and involve others in it and when they have invested their time and energy in the project, lose interest in it.
They can also be too busy with their careers and forget a bit about their friends and family
but don't worry it only seems so, because if you ever approach them for anything, they will help you without any conditions,
because they believe that is how love works, it shouldn't be patronising or binding.
This is a futuristic element and some of the greatest visionaries of all times, in all generations and places come from air sign.
So that is the nature of air. What did you think about this? Could you relate to it? Hope you did.