Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Admirable Carrot Chart Reading

We are reading Admirable Carrot's Chart. May god bless her with all things positive, and help her in achieving her karmic obligations. Below is her natal chart which we will read first.

Carrot was raised in a practical household, with a disciplinarian mother, and kind and principled father. She may have been interested in some kind of art, either, drawing, writing or running or working at a beauty parlour. Her parents may not have been too encouraging of her interests. Her father may be known among the community as an active member.

REMEDY: Whenever a Shraadha is performed by your parents during Pitru Paksha, please include all ancestors named or unnamed, from both mother's and father's side. It is advised STRONGLY that you chant (or at least play in your home,) the Mahamrityunjay Mantra. You are running the Venus Mahadasha (since 2007) and Saturn Antardasha since March 2020. Whenever Saturn enters he settles past karma, so please follow up the Shraadha advice. Also performing charity with your own hands (not giving money,) is highly advised.

Your speech will be diplomatic and practical. If you want to become friends with people you can but if you are not interested in them you still manage to have a healthy indifference.

The D9 Chart or Navmansh Chart

You must actively seek a partner till end of September as there is a high probability of marriage there.

Carrot herself places a lot of importance on marriage as her house of marriage has four major planets.

During your first and second phase (8-5 years ago,) of Saadesati if there was a possibility of marriage (as an affair or such,) and it did not work out, do not worry about it now, as it was saadesaati's balancing way and will not affect you now.

You will meet your spouse either at your own home or you will be introduced to your spouse by your own immediate family, such as parents or sibling.  Your spouse will also have a good speech but will be quick tempered. There may also be a major status change after marriage, not always in terms of money (but it is possible,) but in terms of popularity may be.

Since, your Rahu is in the first house in D9 you will be encouraged to not hold a cold, hostile nature against your husband or in-laws(or extended family). Jyeshtha nakshatra in general tends to be very active in their community (I take it you have either a very positive or very negative view of PM Modi,) so it will be in your nature to try to forge a relationship with your husband's extended family, which is good but I would advise you not do so and maintain a happy-go-lucky relation with everyone instead of forming a close relation with anyone particular, gossip especially, should not be brought to your husband's home.

Talking about your in-laws, they will be religious people, or may be just very traditional for your taste. They will not like their ego to be challenged and it is possible that they will not express their appreciation for your hard work openly. Do not be discouraged by this, your primary duties will not lie towards your in-laws but your husband and family.

In conclusion, I would point out two things, 1) Do not pick up fight with in-laws at any cost, 2) Do not be cold towards your husband. If you wish to discuss your husband will always be open to do that.

After your marriage if you find a chance to establish a business or work for in the health industry in some way, may be as a dietician, or be a consultant in a law firm, you should consider taking it, as it could be a long term income source.

I will add more details as it will be possible throughout the next week, please keep checking back.