Thursday, October 29, 2020

Steve Pintos Orion SunMoon Post

Welcome to my channel. So I am here to talk about Steve Pinto's post about Orion, Sun, Moon, Stars... 

First of all thank you for all the efforts Sushant's fans are taking in solving this case and we shouldn't stop till the truth is out and the justice is done. 

So, as we all are talking about the messages left by Steve Pinto in reference with Disha's death. They have been filed in a thread on twitter by user Metatron, link below in description. He talks about how it is unlikely that Disha could have committed suicide. He has directly named some people but some of his messages seem more cryptic. Metatron has already mentioned Lolita. It is a book about an old man's fascination for a young girl child. This post could be referring to underage prostitution or child pornography.


The other one that many people are guessing is the Orion post. This is where I want to throw some light. Interestingly enough, this reference is in continuation of the earlier Lolita post in its theme of underage prostitution. 

In both, Greek or Indian mythology these are the themes surrounding the Orion constellations, generally known as Taurus sign. As you all might know, astrology uses the sky and star patterns to come up with the qualities of a particular constellation. These stories form the nature and themes of the sign.


F. E. Fillebrown engraving of The Dance of the Pleiads by Elihu Vedder

So, in Greek mythology, Orion is the son of Sea God Poseidon, he is a powerful hunter. One time he gets drunk and gets attracted to the daughter of the wine god. Her name is Merope and she is very beautiful. He rapes her and still manages to escape. In the end, he is killed by the Scorpius. In modern langauge, Merope is known as Pleiades. This is where the term, hunter becomes hunted comes from. So if PM Modi (who is a Scorpio moon,) manages to punish the culprits, this Taurus-Scorpio theme will play out nicely.


Another reference is in the Indian mythology. Here the story becomes more dark. It is about Rohini, (Aldebaran) daughter of Daksha, a progenitor figure. She is known as the beautiful red one. So, Brahma, the Hindu god of creation gets attracted to his own daughter Saraswati and chases her in the form of a deer. Shiva, the righteous god becomes angry at this and becomes Rudra, his hunter form, and shoots the deer in the head. This story straight up talks about incest. 


Astrologically speaking, it also connects with Sushant and Disha. Sushant has his moon in Orion and Disha's Sun is in Orion. Sushant has said that he was interested in Vedic astrology and Polynesian astronomy, he may be well aware about these stories. 

Steve has mentioned many cryptic things such this Orion thing, or the boiled eggs. They all have meaning and we must search for them. Thank you for listening in and for your time.