Monday, September 30, 2019

NotSoNewYorker Vedic Chart Reading

NotSoNewYorker is a female born in 1992, from USA.

NYer wants to know when she would be married and settled.
NotSoNewYorker, here are the details of your chart.

Immediate important events:
Saturn Antardasha in Mercury starting from August 2018 - April 2021
Ketu Mahadasha starting from 2021.

Your sadesati might have been challenging but the next 5 years starting from January 2020 will be the years that you will look back on and say, "Yes, that phase of my life, it changed everything." If at this point beauty, fashion, romance are the theme of your life, the next phase will be about marriage, family and possibly a new spiritual outlook. It looks new and it won't be boring.

So here you go...

Your moon is in Anuradha in Scorpio. You will be finishing your Sadesati (Saturn transiting your moon in the natal chart,) in January 2020. You will find some relief professionally right away and the social life will relax a bit.

Your D9 Chart
Since this is a question about marriage and being settled I have also checked your D9 chart, (Chart to be checked for life after 30s).

What will your spouse be like?

The biggest benefic Jupiter aspects your house of marriage in your D9 chart, so I do not see any issues with you getting married.

You would likely meet you future spouse during the Mahadasha (State) of Ketu (South Node). Since Ketu is about balance of past life karma, your relation with your spouse will seem extremely karmic. It will seem like it was meant to be only this man.

There are men who behave like boyfriends and then there are men who behave like husbands. Meaning, the 'boyfriend men' are men who will bring you flowers, take you out on romantic weekend getaways. And then there are men who save money for children and a house; these men might forget anniversaries but he remembers that your laptop needs fixing (and might do it himself). Your husband will be the husband-type of man. So the man you should be on the lookout for is not the head-in-the-cloud romantic but a grounded man.

(It also seems like you will be meeting your future spouse in a formal set-up such as  an office, the airport or such places. Be on the lookout for symbols such as signs related to the sign Scorpio, they could appear in an artwork, tattoos, paintings, sculptures, when you meet this potential partner.)

I would also request you to review the years, (October 2012 to October 2013) or (April 2016 to August 2018, Or someone during July 2019?) for a glimpse into the kind of relation you could see in the future. A marriage seems most likely after April 2021. Keep an eye on the kind of people you meet from May 2020 to July 2020.   But the dates are about the actual marriage, till then could be the time to meet the person.

1st House Ascendant
Your ascendant is in Swati in Libra, which makes you interested in fashion and beauty. You also speak your mind, although you could be diplomatic about it.

2nd House
Your moon sits in this house. The second house is about home, the physical structure of home. This house also rules the neck/throat. When Saturn transited this house during the first phase of sadesati, this could have made you run to the extremes of your emotions, the entire range.

3rd House
Your Rahu or North Node is based in this house in Moola. You said in your question that you have received conflicting readings. This nature comes from your Rahu being in Moola, literally translated as "the root of the matter". If you think you have not reached the root of the matter you feel like you cannot trust it. If you could, you would go the depth of any matter, but Rahu is restless so you cannot focus on a pursuit. If you have a sibling you'd be too involved in their lives, especially these last 2-3 years.

4th House

If your marriage has not happened yet, you will have to wait till April 2021 as you are now going through a Saturn Antardasha (Sub-period).  Which means you have to resolve the Saturn that is transiting your 4th house, and it brings up issues about your home and mother. If you have any unresolved issues, now is the time to resolve them through peaceful communication mainly.Your mother may have been a practical person, may be you could call her strict, and your father was instead the emotional person. Your Saturn is focused on your childhood home, and your parents. All this will help you get a perspective on the kind of home and family you want for yourself.

Your Saturn is sitting in the sign of Shravana which means that your karma is deeply associated with teaching and counseling. If you can find a way to do these things as an act of charity, you will win great karmic brownie points.

5th House

Your fifth house will be activated in 2022. The themes of this house are creativity and children. This could be the time you might consider having children, or teaching children. But this house is about 'creating' anything, so it could mean that you start a home-based business, teach something from home.

9th House

Your Ketu Mahadasha

Whenever a new Mahadasha starts it is about shaking up of the status quo, such as getting married, having kids, a new job or moving to a new country. Your Ketu is in the 9th house in your natal chart and remains in that position in your D9 chart. So, of course your Ketu Mahadasha will feel very karmic.

Your Ketu Mahadasha is a very important Mahadasha as it has to do with past life karma. In your case, it has to do with learning about your true spiritual beliefs. It also strongly suggests a possibility for marriage. You could even move, it could be a local move, like moving a few cities away or it could be to a different country.

You may not have found your birth religion interesting but once your Ketu Mahadasha settles in you will make peace with it. But it seems like you might yourself explore the world of astrology, or develop an interest in the esoteric studies, such as Wicca or paganism.

12th House

Your Mahadasha and planetary details:
You have been running a Mercury Dasha since 2004 and it ends in 2021. Mercury is your AtmaKaraka meaning that it is the planet that helps you attain your soul's goals. (Your Amatya Karaka is Saturn, meaning it helps the Mercury or supports it.) Mercury is a planet that wants to teach you about how you communicate with the people around you and the world at large.

Some teaching or counseling done as an act of charity.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Howatts Vedic Chart Reading

I am reading the chart for Howatts. I am posting this chart here, because real charts are a good way for new students to learn about astrology.

What Howatts has told us, “I'm 28 years old with an English degree. Writing was not lucrative. I've wanted to become a medical professional. I've been meaning to go get trained for becoming a CNA.”
Howatts is Male; Born in Taiwan, in July 1991.

Howatts Chart
1st House - Uttara Phaguni 3 in Virgo 
3rd House – Moon – Anuradha 4 in Scorpio 
4th House - Rahu – Purva Ashadha 4 in Sagitarrius
5th House – Saturn – Shravana (1- Ashwini) in Capricorn
10th House – Ketu – Punarvasu 2 in Gemini
11th House – Jupiter (Ashlesha 3) – Sun (Pushya-1) in Cancer
12th House – Venus 4, Mars 4, Mercury 1 – Magha in Leo

Immediate Solution: Do some weekend charity, it could be an hour of free work in a hospital or volunteering at an open kitchen. You can also teach for free to socially disadvantaged people in your community, it could be teaching English at an evening school.


This chart is divided into two themes. The focal point of this chart is love and a stable family life, having a spouse, children and one solid home. The other theme of this chart is social life, but most importantly “an attitude of service” towards your community as expressed in a very busy 12th house. 

Your Sadesati will be ended in January 2020, which will give you more clarity towards your career as well as your love life, even though in a harsh way. And your life now will be definitely better than it was. It may have made you feel utterly hopeless about your love life.

You chose your education based on the Saturn in the 5th house, the house that rules creativity and creation. These factors have equipped you with the skills for writing. It was based in Shravana, which equips you with the skills to teach or counsel.

However, after you started your Venus Mahadasha in 2018, you have been gravitating towards the field of hospital or mental health centres. You can work in the medical field, hospitals simply, as a counsellor, or in the admin. This is due to the fact that Venus sits in your twelfth house of accidents, death, loneliness. Venus sits here with Mars and Mercury, which strongly indicates past life unfulfilled karma. And all these planets sit in the nakshatra of Magha, which is ruled by Ketu. Ketu or the South Node is associated with past life karmas.

One way to resolve this Ketu would be through performing acts of charity. Something as simple as helping at a shelter or old age home over the weekend could do. You will start seeing the changes in your financial and love life within a month.

Love and Marriage

The Ascendant (1st House of the natal chart,) in the sign of Uttara Phalguni means that the soul came into the world to learn the importance of staying loyal to a spouse/partner. The Sun with Jupiter in the 11th house in Pushya shows a potential for teaching children, also shows wanting your own family. This is supported by a Saturn aspecting it. 

When will you find the person who will stay with you? These things move gradually. But you will have something definite by 2023. 

Watch out for these signs when you are considering a love interest seriously. These could appear in art, food, place setting. These could be symbols related to Mountain Goats, Goats, Crocodiles, footprints, ears. 

2nd House
Saturn’s tenth aspect is on the second house. Second house is the house of unmovable property, your throat and mouth. You said you just blurt out your thoughts, this is due to Saturn's aspect.
When you build a house, it will be a big solid house but it will only be possible after you turn 48. But it won't be easy to build a house because Saturn aspects your second house. One way this works out is you keep moving from city to city so you don't find a home base to build a house.  The solution to this is that you keep investing your money (but no stocks, lotteries or such,) and only buy the house when you turn 48.

3rd House
Aspected by Jupiter. Moon placed in Anuradha (pada 4) 

People around you are very important to you, the people you call, “my tribe”. But more than that it is your family, your spouse and children, are your real project. Repeating the theme of your ascendant, your married life is going to be very important to you. 

Your Moon sits in the 3rd house of siblings, cousins and neighbourhood or your city. This means you have a closer relation with your younger siblings or cousins than with your parents. 

4th House
Rahu creates a whirlwind where it sits causing some good things to happen and some bad. It is the place where you feel your range of excitement. In your case, this Rahu sits in the fourth house in the Nakshatra of Purva Ashadha, which is the Nakshatra of going to war. You have a very traditional view of what home should, which is a stable house with a supportive family. However, it is unlikely you had such a home, in fact, you might have often moved home. Your mother may have worked or she may not fit the traditional view of a mother who cooks in the kitchen. 

This placement makes you want to travel abroad and start a home based business but also is not giving you the desired result. Your curiosity about astrology comes from Rahu’s placement in this house.

5TH House
Aspected by Jupiter and Sun.
Saturn sits in the 5th house of Creativity and Creation, in the Nakshatra of Shravana at 10 degrees which puts it in Aries and in Ashwini. Shravana’s focus is on learning, teaching, counselling and Ashwini is a Nakshatra of healing.
Saturn’s third aspect is on the seventh house of marriage which delays the process of dating and marriage. 

Saturn’s seventh aspect is on the 11th house. Eleventh house is the house of elder siblings, and larger social network (not extended family). This is where you need to take care, and stay extremely principled as this will impact your future lives. 

You chose your education based on the Saturn in the 5th house, the house that rules creativity and creation. These factors have equipped you with the skills for writing. It was based in Shravana, which equips you with the skills to teach or counsel. 

6th House
The sixth house of health and enmity is in the sign of Aquarius, showing that your health swings into opposites. Your eating habits may be haphazard, in a way you eat extremely healthy for some time and then go back to unhealthy habits again.

7th house
Aspected by the 1st house, 7th house is the house of spouse. In your case, it is aspected by the nakshatra of marriage. Although it might take time to meet your partner, your partner will be a practical person, and a very social person. They take their career extremely seriously. You could meet them in places such as hospital, health centre, or such places.

11th House
Jupiter sits exalted in Cancer, in the Saturn house gives you a generous mind. But Sun sitting in the house of Saturn, enemy house, in the sign of Cancer could create risks like self-pity and procrastination.

12th House has been covered in the Career Overview part.

I will add more details about your Venus Mahadasha and other important planetary transits on my blog. I will leave the link to the blog in my description.

Thank you for  asking me for the reading of your chart. If possible consider  subscribing to my channel, leave a comment about any astrology topic you want me cover.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Importance of Yoga In A Day

The word yoga is used mostly for the exercise. But the simplest meaning of the word in Sanskrit is "harmonious alignment".  

Here below are Nitya Naisargik Yoga, the term which can be translated as Natural Daily Alignment. These yogas are further divided into benefics and malefics. Some are consider more intense and they are called higher order malefics and some yogas are less intense and are called lower order yogas.  

Vyatipata and Vaidhriti which are considered malefic yogas of higher order.

Note: These repeating Sanskrit words mean: 

Graha: planet; Nitya: everyday/diurnal; Naisargika: natural; Devata: god/deity
Ghati: A period of sixty pala or twenty-four minutes

All other Sanskrit words below are explained in parenthesis.

Vishkumbha (a pot of poison,) is the first nitya (naisargika) yoga.
Ruling Deity: Yama (the god of death) Ruling planet: Shani (Saturn).

It is considered to be malefic (especially first 3 ghatis of it). It is one of the seven other malefic yogas (such as Vyatipāta or Vaidhriti,) and its nature can be described as poisonous or fatal.

Priti (Preeti) is the second nitya yoga.
Ruling deity: Vishnu. Ruling planet: Buddha (Mercury)

It is considered to be a benefic. Its effect usually described as love, enjoyment or gratification.

Ayushman (Āyushmān) is the third nitya yoga.
Ruling Deity: Chandra (Moon) Ruling planet: Ketu (South Node)

It is considered to be benefic. Its effect usually described as "one that having longevity" ("ayush" translates as Sanskrit a life).

Saubhagya (Saubhāgya) is the fourth nitya (naisargika) yoga.
Ruling Deity: Brahma. Ruling planet: Shukra (Venus).

It is considered to be benefic. Its effect usually described as auspicious or good fortune.

Shobhana is the fifth nitya naisargika yoga.
Ruling Planet: Brihaspati. Ruling planet: Surya (Sun)

It is considered to be benefic. Its effect usually described as "splendid", "beautiful" or "virtuous". 

Atiganda is the sixth nitya naisargika yoga.
Ruling Deity: Moon. Ruling planet: Chandra (Moon)

It is considered to be a malefic (especially first six ghatis of it). It is one of seven malefic Yogas of lower order (if compared to Vyatipata or Vaidhriti) and its effect can be described as lots of problems or knots or lots of obstacles.

Sukarma is the seventh nitya naisargika yoga,
Ruling Deity: Indra. Ruling planet: Mars

It is considered to be benefic. Its effect usually is described as good work or auspicious action.

Dhriti is the eighth nitya naisargika yoga.
Ruling Deity: Apas (Jala or water). Ruling planet: Rahu (North Node)

It is considered to be benefic. Its effect usually described as 'holding' 'steadiness', 'retention' or 'delightful'.

Shoola (Shūla) is the ninth nitya naisargika yoga.
Deity: Sarpa, (Nāgas or the clan of snakes). Ruling Planet: Jupiter

It is a malefic yoga (especially first five ghatis of it). It is one of seven other malefic yogas of the lowest order (comparing to Vyatipāta and Vaidhriti, which are malefic yogas of the highest order) and can be described as "spear", "death", "iron pin".

Ganda is the tenth nitya (naisargika) yoga.
Deity: Agni Ruling Planet: Saturn.

It is considered to be a malefic yoga (especially first six ghatis of it). It is one of seven other malefic yogas of lower order, and its effect can be described as "knot", "obstacles".

Vriddhi (Vrddhi) is the eleventh nitya (naisargika) yoga.
Ruling Deity: Sūrya (Sun). Ruling Planet: Mercury.

It is considered to be benefic. Its effect usually described as "ascending", "augmentation" or "increase". 

Dhruva is the twelvth nitya (naisargika) yoga.
Ruling Deity: Bhumi (Land) Ruling Planet: Ketu (South Node)

It is considered to be a benefic. In some sources as Jyotirvidyabharanam it's considered to be a malefic with the first four ghati of it being visha (poisonous). Its effect usually described as "firm", "stable" or "permanent".

Vyaghata is the thirteenth nitya (naisargika) yoga.
Ruling Deity: Vayu  Ruling Planet: Shukra (Venus)

It is considered to be malefic one (especially first nine ghatis of it). It is one of seven other malefic yogas of the lowest order (comparing to Vyatipāta and Vaidhriti, which are malefic nitya yogas of the highest order). Its effect can be described as "killing" or "slaughter".

Harshana is the fourteenth nitya (naisargika) yoga.
Ruling Deity: Bhaga. Ruling Planet: Sun Surya (Sūrya)

It is considered to be benefic. Its effect usually described as "joy", "rejoicing", "blooming" or "delightful". .

Vajra is the fifteenth yoga,
Ruling Deity: Varuna. Ruling Planet: Chandra (Moon)

It is considered to be malefic one (especially first three ghatis of it). It is one of seven other malefic Yogas and its effect can be described as "thunderbolt", "hard", "impenetrable".

Siddhi is the sixteenth yoga.
 Ruling Deity: Ganesha. Ruling Planet: Mars (Mangala)

It is considered to be a benefic. Its effect usually described as "prosperity", "accomplishment", "fulfillment", "completion", "success", "ascetic qualities", "the fruition of adoration of Gods", "acquisition of supernatural powers (by completion of magical, mystical or alchemical rite or process)".

Vyatipata is the seventeenth yoga,
Ruling Deity: Rudra. Ruling Planet: Rahu (South Node).

It is considered to be especially malefic one along with Vaidhriti (all ghatis of Vyatipata and Vaidhriti are inauspicious for starting something). Both Yogas should be shunned in all auspicious occasions. According to classical text, Jyotirvidyabharanam any religious activity done during these yogas do not yield any result in both "lokas", i.e. it's completely destroyed. Another classical text, Rajmartanda opines that these Yogas along with Bhadra Karana (Vishti) are even capable to destroy even Amrita Yoga. Its effect can be described as "a portent indicating disaster", "a great disaster", "calamity".

Variyana is the eighteenth yoga.
Ruling Deity: Kubera.  Ruling Planet: Jupiter (Guru).

It is considered to be a benefic. Its effect usually described as "larger, better, higher" or "reach of different comforts".

Parigha is the 19th yoga.
Ruled Deity: Vishwkarman (Tvashtar). Ruling Planet: Shani (Saturn).

It is considered to be malefic one (especially the first 30 Ghatis of it). It is one of 7 other malefic Yogas (which are not so evil as Vyatipāta or Vaidhriti) and its nature can be described as "an iron bar for shutting gate", "gate of a palace", "iron club".
Shiva is the 20th yoga.
Ruling Deity: Mitra. Ruling planet: Buddha (Mercury
It is considered to be benefic. Its effect usually described as "auspicious".

 Siddha is the 21th yoga, which is ruled by Kartikeya and considered to be benefic. Its effect usually described as "accomplishment", "completion", "perfection". Ketu is Graha, who's ruling Siddha.

Sadhya (Sādhya) is the 22th Nitya (Naisargika) Yoga.
Ruling Deity: Savitri . Ruling planet: Shukra (Venus)

It is considered to be a benefic one. Its effect usually described as "accomplishable", "attainable".

Shubha is the 23th Nitya (Naisargika) Yoga.
Ruling Deity: Lakshmi. Ruling planet: Surya
 It is considered to be benefic. Its effect usually described as "virtuous", "fortunate", "propitious", "auspicious", "splendid".

Shukla (another name is Shukra) is the 24th Nitya (Naisargika) Yoga.
Ruling Deity: Parvati. Ruling planet: Chandra (Moon)

It is considered to be a benefic. Its effect usually interpreted as 'bright', 'pure', 'clean' or 'white'.

Brahma (Brāhma) is the 25th Nitya (Naisargika) Yoga,
Ruling Deity: Ashwini Kumaras. Ruling planet: Mangala (Mars)

It is considered to be a benefic one. Its nature usually described as "divine source", "essence of Universe". It's a good Yoga for anything that's related to healing, giving life to something. 

Indra is the 26th Nitya (Naisargika) Yoga.
Ruling Deity: Pitra . Ruling planet: Rahu

It is considered to be a benefic. Its effect usually described as "leader", "the king of Devatas".  .

Vaidhriti is the 27th Nitya (Naisargika) Yoga.
Ruling Deity: Diti. Ruling planet: Guru (Jupiter)

Its effect can be described as "holding", "arresting".

It is considered to be an extremely malefic yoga (along with Vyatipata). Both Yogas should be shunned in all auspicious elections. According to classical text, Jyotirvidyabharanam any religious activity done during these Yogas do not yield any result in both "lokas", i.e. it's completely destroyed. Rajmartanda opines that these Yogas along with Bhadra Karana (Vishti) are capable to of destroying even the Amrita Yoga.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Importance of Karana Hindu Panchang

Karana are cyclical periods in a day, that are significant for their related activities. They are ruled by deities and planets. The benefic karanas are known as Shubha meaning auspicious, and Paapa meaning "related to sin," or "inauspicious". Karanas are also divided into two more categories, moving or flexible, and fixed or unmoving.

Bava (Bāva) is benefic, moving karana.
Deity: Indra, Ruling Planet: Sun

It is good for: Development of matter, expansion, gathering strength and vigour, short term work.  It is also good for developing fixed and/or flexible or moveable work.

Balava (Bālava) is a benefic, moving karana.
Deity: Brahma (The Creator). Ruling Planet: Moon

This is a good karana for learning, teaching, donation, religious works, yagyas or penance of any kind, charity or service to Brahmins (or in the modern sense, teachers and social workers). 

Kaulava is a benefic, moving karana.
Deity: Mitra, a Vedic god of divinity, purity, honesty, friendship, contracts and meetings. 
Ruling Planet: Mars

A good time for friendships, feminine activities, romance, engagements, attaining a skill (Siddhi).
Taitila is benefic, moving karana.
Deity: Vishwakarma, the architect of the Universe, Planet: Mercury.
In some classical texts, Taitila is ruled by the deity Aryamaan. 

Good time for work related to motherhood, showing affection, home related work, learning scriptures, masculine activities.

Gara is benefic, moving karana.
Deity: Bhumi (Earth) Ruling Planet: Jupiter

Good time for farm related activities such as sowing, ploughing, farming, seeds, house. Planting seeds of ideas etc.

Vanija (Vanijā) is benefic, moving karana.
Deity: Lakshmi (Vishnu's consort, goddess of wealth, happiness and luck).
Ruling Planet: Venus

Good time for: making money through ethical ways, trade, meetings, enjoying comforts.

Vishti (Vishtā) is a malefic, moving karana.
Deity: Yama (god of death). Ruling Planet: Saturn

Good time for: war, igniting fire, poisoning, starting a fight, destruction of enemies, overcoming of difficulties.

Shakuni (Shakuna) is a malefic, fixed karana.
Deity Kaali, the goddess whose name means "the Time" or "the Vanquisher". She is considered the goddess of time and metamorphosis that leads to Moksha (The soul dissolving into the Super-energy).

A good time for: healing process of all kinds, through counselling, development, consuming or making medicine, planting herbs or a general garden, reciting mantra, initiation into mantras related to "black magic".

Chatushpada (Chatushpāda) is a malefic, fixed karana.
Deity: Rudra (form of Shiva).
Good time for: ancestral work, karmic work, taking care of cows (any domestic cattle or pets,) and any religious activities concerning brahmins or Gods.

Naga (Nāga) is Pāpa (malefic), fixed karana.
Deity: Nāgas (another name - Sarpa).
Concerns of the karana are bad luck, pursuing enmity, seizing. 

Kinstughna is amalefic, fixed karana, 
Deity: Maruta.
Concerns of the karana are: religious activities, attaining Siddhi (classical skills), any kind of development or expansion, Mangal-Janak meaning that which generates auspiciousness.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Importance of Tithis - Lunar Fortnight of Hinduism

Tithi or the dates of a lunar calendar have a special significance in astrology. In Hindu culture, auspicious mahurtas (timings) are determined on the basis of tithis, along with some other variables. Various kind of auspicious works are categorised according to the determining tithis. These tithis also take into consideration the waxing period of the moon called the Shukla paksha, and the waning period of the moon which is called the Krishna paksha.

Pratipada Tithi

This Tithi holds importance for work related to the construction of a house, moving into a new home, marriage, travelling, fame and nutrition. Moon is considered to be stronger during Krishna Paksha’s Pratipada, and weaker during Shukla Paksha Pratipada. Hence, all the auspicious work is performed like marriage, fast, vastu karma, house warming etc. should not be performed during Shukla Paksha Pratipada.

Dwitya Tithi

Some work that is considered to be auspicious is related to marriage, travel, buying ornaments, learning music, matters related to state and country, Vastu Karma etc. The ritual of Tailabhyang or applying ceremonial oiling is prohibited on this tithi.

Tritya Tithi

Auspicious work related to this tithi is music, sculpting, wearing bangles, food, moving to a new home, marriage, travel, matters related to state etc.

Chaturthi Tithi

This Tithi is auspicious for work related to electronics, conquering of enemies, fire-related work, weapons etc. This tithi is in fact, considered to be good for brutal works.

Panchami Tithi

This tithi is good for doing any auspicious work. This date is considered appropriate for all trends. This date is considered inauspicious for lending money. Anyone lending money incurs losses.

Shashthi Tithi

This Tithi is good for War-craft works, Vastu karma, beginning to stay in a new home and wearing  new garments. This Tithi is inauspicious for Tailabhyang, Abhyang, Kashth Karma, traffic, etc.

Saptami Tithi

This Tithi is auspicious for marriage, music-related work, construction and new ornaments. Travel, Bride’s access to home, shifting to a new home, state related work, Vastu karma, Upanan values, etc. can also be done.

Ashtami Tithi

This Tithi is related to works like writing assignments, war related work, Vastu Karma, craft-related work, work related to gems, weapons or possession of weapons.

Navami Tithi

This tithi is centered around activities such as hunting, fighting, gambling, building weapons, construction, preparation or consumption of alcohol, and all types of cruel deeds.

Dashmi Tithi

This tithi is good for work related to horses, elephants, marriage, music, garments, ornaments, travel, or government related works. It is also considered good for beginning to live in a new home, moving to a new home, bride welcoming into a new home.

Ekadashi Tithi

This tithi is good for fasts, religious work, festivals, Vastu Karma, war related work, craft, sewing, weaving and travel.

Dwadashi Tithi

This tithi centers around the theme of work related to marriage, nutrition, cars, and work on roads. This tithi is not auspicious for construction of a new home, moving into a new home and travel.

Shukla Paksha - Tryodashi Tithi

This tithi related to the theme of war, military, weapons, flags, banners on the building work, state-related work, architectural work, and music. All kind of auspicious work can be done on this tithi. This tithi is not considered auspicious work related to travel, moving to a new home, wearing new clothes or ornaments and Upanayana ceremony.

Chaturdashi Tithi

This tithi is very similar in theme to the tithi of Chaturthi. This tithi is about vanquishing of enemies so actions requiring aggression and cruelty are done on this tithi, including use of weapons, maintenance of weapons or an actual militaristic attack. Travel is prohibited on this tithi.


This tithi is considered good for work related to marriage, craft, artisan-ship, moulding ornaments. Also work related to war, sacrifice, water, travel, peace, and nurture can be carried out.


Work related to Mahadana and Pitra Karma, or death related rituals can be performed on this Tithi. Not a good tithi for physical intimacy.