Monday, September 9, 2019

Importance of Karana Hindu Panchang

Karana are cyclical periods in a day, that are significant for their related activities. They are ruled by deities and planets. The benefic karanas are known as Shubha meaning auspicious, and Paapa meaning "related to sin," or "inauspicious". Karanas are also divided into two more categories, moving or flexible, and fixed or unmoving.

Bava (Bāva) is benefic, moving karana.
Deity: Indra, Ruling Planet: Sun

It is good for: Development of matter, expansion, gathering strength and vigour, short term work.  It is also good for developing fixed and/or flexible or moveable work.

Balava (Bālava) is a benefic, moving karana.
Deity: Brahma (The Creator). Ruling Planet: Moon

This is a good karana for learning, teaching, donation, religious works, yagyas or penance of any kind, charity or service to Brahmins (or in the modern sense, teachers and social workers). 

Kaulava is a benefic, moving karana.
Deity: Mitra, a Vedic god of divinity, purity, honesty, friendship, contracts and meetings. 
Ruling Planet: Mars

A good time for friendships, feminine activities, romance, engagements, attaining a skill (Siddhi).
Taitila is benefic, moving karana.
Deity: Vishwakarma, the architect of the Universe, Planet: Mercury.
In some classical texts, Taitila is ruled by the deity Aryamaan. 

Good time for work related to motherhood, showing affection, home related work, learning scriptures, masculine activities.

Gara is benefic, moving karana.
Deity: Bhumi (Earth) Ruling Planet: Jupiter

Good time for farm related activities such as sowing, ploughing, farming, seeds, house. Planting seeds of ideas etc.

Vanija (Vanijā) is benefic, moving karana.
Deity: Lakshmi (Vishnu's consort, goddess of wealth, happiness and luck).
Ruling Planet: Venus

Good time for: making money through ethical ways, trade, meetings, enjoying comforts.

Vishti (Vishtā) is a malefic, moving karana.
Deity: Yama (god of death). Ruling Planet: Saturn

Good time for: war, igniting fire, poisoning, starting a fight, destruction of enemies, overcoming of difficulties.

Shakuni (Shakuna) is a malefic, fixed karana.
Deity Kaali, the goddess whose name means "the Time" or "the Vanquisher". She is considered the goddess of time and metamorphosis that leads to Moksha (The soul dissolving into the Super-energy).

A good time for: healing process of all kinds, through counselling, development, consuming or making medicine, planting herbs or a general garden, reciting mantra, initiation into mantras related to "black magic".

Chatushpada (Chatushpāda) is a malefic, fixed karana.
Deity: Rudra (form of Shiva).
Good time for: ancestral work, karmic work, taking care of cows (any domestic cattle or pets,) and any religious activities concerning brahmins or Gods.

Naga (Nāga) is Pāpa (malefic), fixed karana.
Deity: Nāgas (another name - Sarpa).
Concerns of the karana are bad luck, pursuing enmity, seizing. 

Kinstughna is amalefic, fixed karana, 
Deity: Maruta.
Concerns of the karana are: religious activities, attaining Siddhi (classical skills), any kind of development or expansion, Mangal-Janak meaning that which generates auspiciousness.

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