Sunday, September 1, 2019

Importance of Tithis - Lunar Fortnight of Hinduism

Tithi or the dates of a lunar calendar have a special significance in astrology. In Hindu culture, auspicious mahurtas (timings) are determined on the basis of tithis, along with some other variables. Various kind of auspicious works are categorised according to the determining tithis. These tithis also take into consideration the waxing period of the moon called the Shukla paksha, and the waning period of the moon which is called the Krishna paksha.

Pratipada Tithi

This Tithi holds importance for work related to the construction of a house, moving into a new home, marriage, travelling, fame and nutrition. Moon is considered to be stronger during Krishna Paksha’s Pratipada, and weaker during Shukla Paksha Pratipada. Hence, all the auspicious work is performed like marriage, fast, vastu karma, house warming etc. should not be performed during Shukla Paksha Pratipada.

Dwitya Tithi

Some work that is considered to be auspicious is related to marriage, travel, buying ornaments, learning music, matters related to state and country, Vastu Karma etc. The ritual of Tailabhyang or applying ceremonial oiling is prohibited on this tithi.

Tritya Tithi

Auspicious work related to this tithi is music, sculpting, wearing bangles, food, moving to a new home, marriage, travel, matters related to state etc.

Chaturthi Tithi

This Tithi is auspicious for work related to electronics, conquering of enemies, fire-related work, weapons etc. This tithi is in fact, considered to be good for brutal works.

Panchami Tithi

This tithi is good for doing any auspicious work. This date is considered appropriate for all trends. This date is considered inauspicious for lending money. Anyone lending money incurs losses.

Shashthi Tithi

This Tithi is good for War-craft works, Vastu karma, beginning to stay in a new home and wearing  new garments. This Tithi is inauspicious for Tailabhyang, Abhyang, Kashth Karma, traffic, etc.

Saptami Tithi

This Tithi is auspicious for marriage, music-related work, construction and new ornaments. Travel, Bride’s access to home, shifting to a new home, state related work, Vastu karma, Upanan values, etc. can also be done.

Ashtami Tithi

This Tithi is related to works like writing assignments, war related work, Vastu Karma, craft-related work, work related to gems, weapons or possession of weapons.

Navami Tithi

This tithi is centered around activities such as hunting, fighting, gambling, building weapons, construction, preparation or consumption of alcohol, and all types of cruel deeds.

Dashmi Tithi

This tithi is good for work related to horses, elephants, marriage, music, garments, ornaments, travel, or government related works. It is also considered good for beginning to live in a new home, moving to a new home, bride welcoming into a new home.

Ekadashi Tithi

This tithi is good for fasts, religious work, festivals, Vastu Karma, war related work, craft, sewing, weaving and travel.

Dwadashi Tithi

This tithi centers around the theme of work related to marriage, nutrition, cars, and work on roads. This tithi is not auspicious for construction of a new home, moving into a new home and travel.

Shukla Paksha - Tryodashi Tithi

This tithi related to the theme of war, military, weapons, flags, banners on the building work, state-related work, architectural work, and music. All kind of auspicious work can be done on this tithi. This tithi is not considered auspicious work related to travel, moving to a new home, wearing new clothes or ornaments and Upanayana ceremony.

Chaturdashi Tithi

This tithi is very similar in theme to the tithi of Chaturthi. This tithi is about vanquishing of enemies so actions requiring aggression and cruelty are done on this tithi, including use of weapons, maintenance of weapons or an actual militaristic attack. Travel is prohibited on this tithi.


This tithi is considered good for work related to marriage, craft, artisan-ship, moulding ornaments. Also work related to war, sacrifice, water, travel, peace, and nurture can be carried out.


Work related to Mahadana and Pitra Karma, or death related rituals can be performed on this Tithi. Not a good tithi for physical intimacy.

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