Monday, September 30, 2019

NotSoNewYorker Vedic Chart Reading

NotSoNewYorker is a female born in 1992, from USA.

NYer wants to know when she would be married and settled.
NotSoNewYorker, here are the details of your chart.

Immediate important events:
Saturn Antardasha in Mercury starting from August 2018 - April 2021
Ketu Mahadasha starting from 2021.

Your sadesati might have been challenging but the next 5 years starting from January 2020 will be the years that you will look back on and say, "Yes, that phase of my life, it changed everything." If at this point beauty, fashion, romance are the theme of your life, the next phase will be about marriage, family and possibly a new spiritual outlook. It looks new and it won't be boring.

So here you go...

Your moon is in Anuradha in Scorpio. You will be finishing your Sadesati (Saturn transiting your moon in the natal chart,) in January 2020. You will find some relief professionally right away and the social life will relax a bit.

Your D9 Chart
Since this is a question about marriage and being settled I have also checked your D9 chart, (Chart to be checked for life after 30s).

What will your spouse be like?

The biggest benefic Jupiter aspects your house of marriage in your D9 chart, so I do not see any issues with you getting married.

You would likely meet you future spouse during the Mahadasha (State) of Ketu (South Node). Since Ketu is about balance of past life karma, your relation with your spouse will seem extremely karmic. It will seem like it was meant to be only this man.

There are men who behave like boyfriends and then there are men who behave like husbands. Meaning, the 'boyfriend men' are men who will bring you flowers, take you out on romantic weekend getaways. And then there are men who save money for children and a house; these men might forget anniversaries but he remembers that your laptop needs fixing (and might do it himself). Your husband will be the husband-type of man. So the man you should be on the lookout for is not the head-in-the-cloud romantic but a grounded man.

(It also seems like you will be meeting your future spouse in a formal set-up such as  an office, the airport or such places. Be on the lookout for symbols such as signs related to the sign Scorpio, they could appear in an artwork, tattoos, paintings, sculptures, when you meet this potential partner.)

I would also request you to review the years, (October 2012 to October 2013) or (April 2016 to August 2018, Or someone during July 2019?) for a glimpse into the kind of relation you could see in the future. A marriage seems most likely after April 2021. Keep an eye on the kind of people you meet from May 2020 to July 2020.   But the dates are about the actual marriage, till then could be the time to meet the person.

1st House Ascendant
Your ascendant is in Swati in Libra, which makes you interested in fashion and beauty. You also speak your mind, although you could be diplomatic about it.

2nd House
Your moon sits in this house. The second house is about home, the physical structure of home. This house also rules the neck/throat. When Saturn transited this house during the first phase of sadesati, this could have made you run to the extremes of your emotions, the entire range.

3rd House
Your Rahu or North Node is based in this house in Moola. You said in your question that you have received conflicting readings. This nature comes from your Rahu being in Moola, literally translated as "the root of the matter". If you think you have not reached the root of the matter you feel like you cannot trust it. If you could, you would go the depth of any matter, but Rahu is restless so you cannot focus on a pursuit. If you have a sibling you'd be too involved in their lives, especially these last 2-3 years.

4th House

If your marriage has not happened yet, you will have to wait till April 2021 as you are now going through a Saturn Antardasha (Sub-period).  Which means you have to resolve the Saturn that is transiting your 4th house, and it brings up issues about your home and mother. If you have any unresolved issues, now is the time to resolve them through peaceful communication mainly.Your mother may have been a practical person, may be you could call her strict, and your father was instead the emotional person. Your Saturn is focused on your childhood home, and your parents. All this will help you get a perspective on the kind of home and family you want for yourself.

Your Saturn is sitting in the sign of Shravana which means that your karma is deeply associated with teaching and counseling. If you can find a way to do these things as an act of charity, you will win great karmic brownie points.

5th House

Your fifth house will be activated in 2022. The themes of this house are creativity and children. This could be the time you might consider having children, or teaching children. But this house is about 'creating' anything, so it could mean that you start a home-based business, teach something from home.

9th House

Your Ketu Mahadasha

Whenever a new Mahadasha starts it is about shaking up of the status quo, such as getting married, having kids, a new job or moving to a new country. Your Ketu is in the 9th house in your natal chart and remains in that position in your D9 chart. So, of course your Ketu Mahadasha will feel very karmic.

Your Ketu Mahadasha is a very important Mahadasha as it has to do with past life karma. In your case, it has to do with learning about your true spiritual beliefs. It also strongly suggests a possibility for marriage. You could even move, it could be a local move, like moving a few cities away or it could be to a different country.

You may not have found your birth religion interesting but once your Ketu Mahadasha settles in you will make peace with it. But it seems like you might yourself explore the world of astrology, or develop an interest in the esoteric studies, such as Wicca or paganism.

12th House

Your Mahadasha and planetary details:
You have been running a Mercury Dasha since 2004 and it ends in 2021. Mercury is your AtmaKaraka meaning that it is the planet that helps you attain your soul's goals. (Your Amatya Karaka is Saturn, meaning it helps the Mercury or supports it.) Mercury is a planet that wants to teach you about how you communicate with the people around you and the world at large.

Some teaching or counseling done as an act of charity.

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