Tuesday, October 8, 2019

ShivaTyag Chart Reading

Shiva, born in 2000 in India, has asked about his health, and his education/career.

Below is his chart.

Health - Moon in 6th and Sat/Jup in 12th

You  have the moon in the sixth house of health and daily routines, and in Chitra, the nakshatra which places great importance on looks, which means you are health conscious by your very nature. So please make sure that it is not a case of you looking at your decent health through overtly demanding eyes. That being said... Yes, as already stated by you, health is a bit of concern since you have three planets in the 12th house. But it doesn't have to mean that you will have health problems but merely that physical health will be a lot on your thoughts than other people.

There is some issue due to Saturn aspecting it [6th house], but it is also backed up by Jupiter in Ashwini (the Nakshatra of healing,) aspecting it, which balances out Saturn's seventh aspect. It is possible that your health was a major issue during your Saadesati 2 years ago. Right now Saturn is transiting your 8th house, which could put your focus on your reproductive organs but you need not worry about it as your 8th house is Sagittarius which grants good reproductive health, (plus also as a Taurus ascendant).

If you expect your health/physique to be the kind of that models have, it will be possible only after July 2020, even then I would advice you to keep a holistic approach, meaning exercise and healthy diet, instead of fad diets or steroids, as your Jupiter is in the 12th house and will not reward shortcuts. After this period you will yourself gain a lot of in-depth knowledge about health.

Since your Rahu is in 3rd house in Pushya, you might start a Food/Health blog or vlog and it will be a success if you apply yourself. 

Health in Navamsha
But do not make this health into an obsession after 30 years of age as Saturn moves in with your moon in your Navamsha chart. But this again means that your day job could be related health and beauty.

Career: Merc/Venus in 10th /Jupiter in 12th

Since you are currently running a Rahu Mahadasha till July 2020, you might be facing some issues but you won't face any major issues with regards to your career in the long run and will make good money through it too. It looks like you could move abroad too.

Your Jupiter Mahadasha starts in July 2020, career wise you are in Mechanical Engineering, so if you find a job in a hospital or health-related industry, may as part of their engineering team, you will prosper a lot. You would also prosper a lot if you do some charity to hospitals or mental health centres.

Please keep a check on your expenses and do not take any big loans without being certain that you will be able to pay them.

Love and Marriage:

You could meet your future spouse at a health-related event or a glamourous event. Your spouse could also be in health related /glamourous business or the field of jewelry/diamonds. Your spouse will be beautiful, caring but feisty. She may not be very religious but she will be more religious than you.

Religion  - Ketu in the 9th House

Your interest in religion will be minimal, meaning you won't oppose whatever your birth religion is, and actually understand it very well naturally but you won't be a person who could be called staunch. As and when you move abroad you will also take mild interest in the local religion.

Do not get into any issues with civil forces ever, (police, military).
Do not give your money to corrupt people or rich people.
Listen to mahamrityunjaya mantra at least once a week all your life. This link because the rhythm is very important. Even your kids must listen to this once they are born.
Once you have children, even when your spouse is pregnant, read/listen to navagraha stotra, and chant shani mantra 11 times a day, although it would never hurt to start it right now.


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  2. Sure! You have mentioned two interests, one is in business and the other in research. According to your chart you are more likely to succeed in research as of house of profession is set in the sign of Aquarius along with Venus. You can good success of yourself as a researcher or a professor in a field of your choice. Where as the two factors that rule the success in business are Mars and Rahu,they are the fight in you, although Rahu is placed in the house of adventures, it is placed in the sign of Cancer, which can bring success through roundabout ways but not through cut-throat competition. Also your Mars sits in the house of losses. Although since your Venus sits in the 10th house, you can try to sell your knowledge, through textbooks, or visiting lectures or such. You do not have a complicated horoscope it is one of the better ones, you are a young person on the cusp of things so it feels like you are overwhelmed with choices they will clear up as you go. The only thing I will say is that do not invest a huge amount of money in anything before you have calculated the venture, speculative gains are not for chart. You will make good money, no worries about that too. Hope this helps, may god bless you.

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  3. There is no issue with you doing business but the product will see more success if it is related to education or health. As I had said in my earlier reading both education and health are the focus of your life, so it is unlikely that you will make money through, as an example, selling washing machines, but you can be successful if you sell textbooks, or say exercise equipments. You will have an entirely new perspective on this when your Jupiter Mahadasha starts so don't worry about this now. Also regarding your personality, Libra moons are one of THE MOST charming people out there, so it is unlikely that you do not make an impression on people, this is just an adolescent phase of life, things will get interesting in your new dasha. Just follow one rule during Jup, be humble, be generous and you can be sure not of just a good Jup MD, but even Shani MD.

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  5. Hello Styagi, good to hear of the positive progress. Your 8th house (of private organs, married life, and secrets,) is aspected by Jupiter which means ideally you should not be facing these problems but as Saturn was transiting it and this being Rahu MD, Saturn enemy it probably triggered some hidden issues. If things do not get better with Jupiter MD you should seek medical help. Although a part of me keeps saying that you could have made up these fears. Are you sure, you are throwing some unrealistic expectation from your body that you read somewhere is normal for all men? You are still very young, not even your planets have matured yet, and of course your body is adjusting too. On the other hand if the problem is serious: Do not go for any "nuske" and seek proper medical help. This is the time to focus on your career which is very bright, and can take any direction you choose. When Saturn is transiting (or even aspecting,) the signs from Scorpio to Pisces is a tough time for everyone in general, so seek solace that we are all going to be going through some times but things will get better.

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    3. Sorry for the confusion, no, I didn't call you a kid, but a young person. The reason why astrologers do not tell a lot to a young person is because they are still running on Rahu energy, meaning they will explore things, that may be not materialise in their charts later, but they need it as a part of their experience. Giving you a strong borderline about what to do or what might happen can mar your chance of exploring your life, hence keep any astrologer's guidelines in mind but feel free to take up any challenges till your 25, after which you may consider a much serious reading.


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