Monday, February 15, 2021

Sanket E PiscesRising DhanishtaMoon Chart

Sanket, born in 1992, in Pune, India. He is running his Jupiter Mahadasha till 2030. 

Sanket is Pisces Ascendant (Meena Lagna) with Dhanishta Moon. Sun receives directional strength bringing confidence and along with Mercury in Pisces makes the person easy to get along with people. 

Moon Saturn conjunction is a subjective matter but the way I choose to see it, the mind is always aligned with whatever Saturn is chasing. Many successful people find getting their karma align with Saturn, a challenge, but with this placement it comes easy. 

Rahu in the 10th House is also a powerful placement bringing much success in career after the age of 35. It also receives aspect from Jupiter which is one more positive thing. Ketu in the 4th keeps a person constantly travelling away from their birthplace. 

Presence of planets in the 12th House indicates a need to do some charity. Will marry someone from their own line of business or someone who they have met during a business interaction.

Jupiter in the 6th House gives excellent health and no worries from enemies.

For current sadesati, charity to homeless people or at a hospital, especially during Amavasya, Saturday or Adhik maas, will provide some solution (Khichadi made of black gram, and black til, given to children at traffic signals is the best solution). Must be continued for as long as possible.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Six Planets in Capricorn on February12th

Which house occupies Capricorn for you? Watch how this house plays out for you this year? With most planets crowding in Capricorn you will feel a focus of an intense energy in the house. For instance, if your seventh house is Capricorn, then it affects your marriage (in-laws included,) and business. And if your fifth house is Capricorn, it will light up issues regarding your children, or creativity. It doesn't have to be negative but just that it becomes your prime focus for the time. 

Importance of Paush Month

As the winter deepens, people pray for the Sun to come back with its bounty. Imagine a time, when the modern luxuries such as electricity we...