Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Eclipses 2022 Aries-Libra New Karmic Cycle

Rahu has moved into Aries and Ketu into Libra. Rahu creates Karma, Ketu cleans it. And Rahu moving into the first sign means we will be starting a new karmic cycle.  Around 1994, the conditions were flipped, Ketu was in Aries and Rahu in Libra. Ketu has been cleaning up this half of the axis and although the world looks more in trouble then ever before but things are changing for the better. 

Remember a time when people believed that there destiny being controlled by a king was the "natural order of things". But slowly people have been experimenting with and understanding the concept of individual rights. 

Only a while ago that elections were won on the basis of race and religion. And most places are being ruled by extremely divisive leaders. It always plays out in this manner, things reach a high point before imploding. And given our track record so far it is not going to be pretty. 

The solar eclipse will be visible only in Antarctica which probably is a sharp focus on the theme of climate change. Our attention should really be on important things like coming up with permanent eco-friendly solutions for our fuel needs. We are already late on controlling pollution. Even the Saturn moving into humanitarian Aquarius indicates the same thing. 

Another big indicator of things to come is the solar eclipse in Ashwini in Aries followed by the lunar eclipse in Libra. Ashwini is the sign of healing and Swati is the sign of social good. It is likely these are the themes to play out for the next six months.

Importance of Paush Month

As the winter deepens, people pray for the Sun to come back with its bounty. Imagine a time, when the modern luxuries such as electricity we...